Boner Pills | Syntrus (
What's up Syntrus Army!
Big shout outs to @lobstermango for this dope ass art and concept of my fanbase!
Guess what you bots? if you are reading this on July 29th it's my birthday! I'm 32, holy shit right? I'm an old ass robot now running an old ass OS while the world changes around me shaking nervously as the hip shit I loved goes out of style... here I am still here posting my chill ass beats to Newgrounds, and my latest track Ginseng should be releasing real soon, and I am feeling good about my next release, speaking of which @Staggernight hooked me up with an early birthday present in the form of album art for my upcoming project, check it out here: BONER PILLS
He tells me it's really hip right now, I'm not sure why....
be sure to check out boner pills here:
lol syntrus is OLD!