Hey everybody, just wanting to let you know how thankful I am to have this platform to talk to you all and share my music with you and express myself. Unfortunately due to circumstances in my life, outside of my control I am having to take a social media break, and practice some “social media distancing” for my mental health. Social Media Breaks Are Good For Your Mental Health
Since some events have transpired relating to COVID 19, and relating to issues of a personal nature with regards to my family, I will be logging out of discord, twitter and Newgrounds starting this Friday at 11:30 pm and not returning to my usual internet haunts until March 12th, to preserve my mental health, heal, and get out of the hype centric, sensationalist media loving, over connected world, we all live in.
A large number of my friends operate creatively through this website, and it has been a joy submitting, exchanging ideas, and working with so many artists and musicians, but right now my family needs me more.
One Love Syntrus the evil robot!
That's fair, man. I'm planning on one of these too in the not-too-far-off future.