Cocaine Deal got it's start here on Newgrounds, I made it one day while I was really cold and sick with a mild cold and the furnace was out. I was thinking like what if I were scoring some old 80s Miami Vice type show? What would that sound like? Am I able to do it convincingly? I had many attempts none of which were heard by anyone but me. they were shit, getting that tropical mother fucking bass to sound good, and getting that um... heat yea... heat... on the synths was difficult, I listened to a lot of the songs from the real Miami Vice, but they weren't all that helpful...but shit, dude! when I figured out the trick to it, I realized it was very complicated and difficult, and I have been unable to replicate the success of this awesome song and it's pissing me off how awesome it is.
Check it out below! and please consider sending a loonie my way eh?
How/why wasn't I following you? I hate it when you just assume your following someone because you've been aware of them for decades. Sorry friend :C
You’re follower number 530 thanks so much for helping me achieve this milestone!!