try to mess around with the beep bnoise in the first track a lil. This is pretty good stuff just watch your sound quality and tuning peace syntrus out (0_0)
try to mess around with the beep bnoise in the first track a lil. This is pretty good stuff just watch your sound quality and tuning peace syntrus out (0_0)
more hats needed
U need more hihats. This is kinda chill man i'm not going to prosecute u for having lil diversity my latest has lil diversity to. It was good very original.
it sounds funky to me
this is just intreasting as hell the beats were so kickin i peed (just a lil). great clarity i would go more in depth but there is nothing to bitch about Great work Peace syntrus out (0_0) Ps hit me back.
Thanks Syntrus, glad you liked it. You're too nice, its often very useful to get some criticism, don't hold back in future ok? :)
Very clear
I liked it. This track is great with pancakes :D.
Enter this into mac 6 It could really clean up it makes all my classical look like puke. Peace syntrus out (0_0)
i would say this is buzz worthy.
good work peace syntrus out ps hit me back
Thanks, i'll check out your stuff when there is time.
this funny
very funny very clever peace syntrus out (0_0)
very intresting collection of beats good luck with the contest ps hit me back.
good luck biotch
I'll file this under...
Good music that was submited for Mac 6
Nuff said peace syntrus out (0_0) Ps hit me back if u like my submission.
good work.
just fix up your clarity cuz it was terrible. the track over all had a good soft feel and it was worth a listen an intresting submission peace syntrus out
Good luck (0_0)
good stuff very intresting sound beans. the strings were very neat. easy on the cut man. very nifty song though lots of attitude. peace syntrus out (0_0) Ps hit me back.
Thanks. :) This might be too 'serious' or something for the comp, though.
Musician, and Evil Robot.
Age 35, Male
College Grad
Joined on 12/18/05