very cool
how'd u do this very cool track.
very cool
how'd u do this very cool track.
i opened the programm and made it lol
again those haters lol, they will never learn, its senseless to vote stuff down
i dont know they gettin horny or something when the clickin 0 lol pathetic
thanks for review man
Clean up the synths a bit
Clean up the synths a little try some different percussion and this track would be closer to perfect then it already is Peace Syntrus Out (0_0) Hit me back.
Well it sounded better in fl but this is the max quality that I could upload. A better one would be too large. The percussions... well I wanted to try out the drumsynth and was too lazy to make it more complicated:P Thanks for reviewin.
Very cool
Those basses are really amazing the siren wasn't the best choice really good Hard Trance. probably the best track coming into the portal in a while.
Haha yeah i always like playing with sfx (sirens).
Syntrus eh? Totally rings a bell.
Anyhow thanks for reviewing :)
its rare to find sombody who understands music in general in NG but its even rarer to find somone who can master and make good melody. this track rox. Peace Syntrus out (0_0)
Thank You Syntrus
For your flattering review, we're glad you like the track and we'll be uploading more stuff soon, we'll review you back real soon too.
Great Style choice
i love good arpy trancey feel good work. Peace Syntrus Out (0_0)
thanks, I wasn't thinking so it is definatly trance not techno.
many thanks
Pretty good
the mastering and stuf was pretty good. There was some times i could just sit back and bump my head around but there was other times where i thought this track was a little bit to busy. Pretty Stellar though Peace Syntrus Out (0_0) 5/5 hit me back
Awesome dude, yeah you're right I reviewed yours at the same time, ignore what I said in the thread, I was being cheeky and asking for one there too ;) thanks dude
as you know already I have hit you back, no worries there, thanks for the review
Peace Out!
Your best work real cool this kick ass
Thanks alot.
great use of fx
a baseline would definantly help this track. your fx use and originality were great and diversity is the worst fucking thing on ng it should be taken off.. Good work XD
Thanks. BTW do you wanna collab? I'll PM you tomorrow at school. Oh, and a new version of prigged is on the way.
THe EPIC TALE of a frightened mouse running for dear life from a broom and a crazed house wife. Great WORK PEACE syntrus out Ps hit me back (0_0)
Thanks for the review! Ive already hit you back :)
Musician, and Evil Robot.
Age 35, Male
College Grad
Joined on 12/18/05