Woot age
an intresting track indeed. U could've gone more places with this otherwise though a brillliant track. Peace Syntrus out(0_0)
Update 2021: I am so sorry 14 year old me is such an idiotic retard.
Woot age
an intresting track indeed. U could've gone more places with this otherwise though a brillliant track. Peace Syntrus out(0_0)
Update 2021: I am so sorry 14 year old me is such an idiotic retard.
Yeah, I just wanted to see if this track could have done well with my fellow Newgrounders(?) ahah. I'm in the mists of remaking it and adding more to it.
Thanks for the review.
this is kick ass
Yo don't listen to there crap this is really kickass shit. Excellent fucking work Peace syntrus out (0_0) hit me back.
Thanks alot for the review. I'll hit ya back up.
it sounds funky to me
this is just intreasting as hell the beats were so kickin i peed (just a lil). great clarity i would go more in depth but there is nothing to bitch about Great work Peace syntrus out (0_0) Ps hit me back.
Thanks Syntrus, glad you liked it. You're too nice, its often very useful to get some criticism, don't hold back in future ok? :)
i would say this is buzz worthy.
good work peace syntrus out ps hit me back
Thanks, i'll check out your stuff when there is time.
Good luck (0_0)
good stuff very intresting sound beans. the strings were very neat. easy on the cut man. very nifty song though lots of attitude. peace syntrus out (0_0) Ps hit me back.
Thanks. :) This might be too 'serious' or something for the comp, though.
u know there is ppl that would h8 r8 this but it thought it would work well for the flash. goodluck with the contest. peace syntrus out (0_0)
Yeah, I've had my fair share of hate rating fucks. Just be glad I don't know where they live. haha. Thanks for the listen and well wishes.\m/
fuck wut day say
yo man reviews that say shit is to repititive should be ignored this is a great beat and its real bad ass.
Since I've made this, I've had request from people to make drum beats for them. I noticed recently though that I may have put too much distortion on the drums, creating a very dirty sound, but the people like it like this and that's what matters.
your getting it
this fun really kick ass now all u have to do is turn it down just a bit. go ask zenon about eq over pm's. u could ask me but i'm not to great in that department this is good shit man really great did u make it that fast?
Err well I had it made about 10 minutes before the post...
It took me about 30-45 minutes..Maybe less :-/ ...
I kinda feel accomplished though, this sounds really great in my opinion
U know this would be great if it didn't sound so much like every other war theme and well everything sent into the contest. The instruments were not really the best choice in my opinion like an oboe leading the way in a theme is not the best. your beat sounded exactly like the other submissions. He also said if i remember correctly that he was looking for a soundtrack not a war theme. If every track sounds the same y bother having a contest? Well i hope i didn't offend u. my new rule is when somone gives me a rough review i return it in a similiar tough fashion. Thx for not touching the score u have made that luxury for yourself. I know it seems dumb wut i am saying but iam really tired of the same reviews i think its my unwillingness to change.
First off; I might seem defensive here, but I believe it is with reason.
The only valid point I see you have here is actually the oboe.
"If I remember correctly he was looking for soundtrack, not a war theme" is probably one of the more inaccurate and by all means, idiot things I've heard.
War Themes are among the things that are most prominent in the soundtrack industry, and soundtrack in itself isn't really a genre but "Music made to fit a general situation". Second off, the "beat" was like every other submission?
You'll have to explain that one bro, as every submission here has been different. And "every" track sounding the same? The only remotely alike thing between me and some others would be having an orchestra as the instrumental package. There's metal, ambient, classical and other genres, and I really can't see the similiarities.
I wasn't offended, I was merely irritated by false accusations.
But you've proven my point even more.
People here claims to want criticsm, and when they get it, They become less inclined to be nice.
What you really want is everyone to be loving you and never actually saying anything negative about your music.
So in all basic; You're still following up the whole "Hug each other" instead of improving.
If you're not willing to change, You won't improve at all. So sorry man, I can't really symphatise with you on this one. I still hold no grudge agianst you, even though you do that to me.
You know this is very chemical brothers like. They have several sounds like this its very good. The only advice i would give u is watch some of the sharpers strings volume a bit. Very cool check out my latest if your in the neighbourhood.
how do, how do, i would never have thought about chemical brothers with this track, never occured to me and ive got all their albums, i'll have to listen through them and see whether you're right..
thanks for the review, i'll be sure to bob by your page and drop you a review.
Musician, and Evil Robot.
Age 35, Male
College Grad
Joined on 12/18/05