All it is is marketing, I see by your bio you are in the US Navy first of all as a citizen of a NATO country thanks for your service. ok so you need to use that. You state that you are a world traveler and that instead of writing letters home you like to write music. You can’t have a brash user name because you don’t want to get in trouble.. ok that’s the marketing out of the way here’s how we get you some more views first of all a like from one of my ppl. I’m not sure slow info style music German sex Ed music is selling anymore on this website as a maker of that music as well I am outraged too! I have noticed that slower instrumentals with more of a break beat have been rising in the production music genres as hip hop beats out sell rock and roll. I love this song, I think if it were slowed down and if you found some brassy saw tooth sounds and messed with the score to an old naval films’ sound track preferably by midi and with manipulation these kids on this site would receive the same sense of adventure I’m recieving from your song now. You don’t have to take my advice I think you are a valid musician and the quick way you play shamisen or digital shamisen shows your chops. This is sooo close to a score for a flash cartoon full of ninjas I can almost picture it. It has so much potential. I’m going to do what I can to help you.