heh not bad.
the humor was a lil shitty. but heh this wasn't bad at all. Try to get your voice actors through puberty. Peace syntrus out (0_0) Good work
heh not bad.
the humor was a lil shitty. but heh this wasn't bad at all. Try to get your voice actors through puberty. Peace syntrus out (0_0) Good work
thanks buddy
u did good
i hope to see some kinda sequel soon hopfully your pal syntrus (0_0)
Part 3 will probably come next clock day. Thanks for watching
An emo bot cool
woah dude this is getting hit hard but there is no way i am going to let u sink on your own u use my audio u get my support. i'm on your team all the way. i thought it was visualy good and a good thought for wut a robot would do the second it is created its hypothetical that a robots going to automatically deal with sudden life easily. Wut would u do if your called into sudden existence. as i have said before stop shittin on the little guy ng
Thanks for the good review, and more importantly, thanks for the song! The music made the movie, really.
Hey good work
Yo man good work i would have like the mouth to close at some point or somthing. the toof with the fro looks like a nose. Hey check out my audio mr swetty ass peace syntrus out (0_0)
I'm...simotaneously confused and honored by this review...Thanks? :D
good but klinda like watching wet cardboard. I am glad weebl kicked it up a lot later on in his career. peace syntrus out (0_0)
:( you're confused sir :(
the part with the bear gave me a wicked seizure
That's what everyone else is telling me! Thanks for watching!
yo use some sounds
other then the obvious lack of sound i like the humour in this. u should look for some loops off of NG audio portal peace syntrus out (0_0)
hahahahahahahahahh I'm laughing I think i'm going to pee
The creator of this Flash Movie does not condone the act of peeing in front of a computer :P
Musician, and Evil Robot.
Age 35, Male
College Grad
Joined on 12/18/05